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2025 Shooting Australia Endorsed Event Series

Calendar Now Available

Shooting Australia (SA) will endorse a number of domestic events during 2025. These events shall form the 2025 Shooting Australia Endorsed Event Series.

SA will partner with Event Hosts (typically a Club, State Association or National Member Organisation) and will include International Shooting Sport Federation (ISSF) and World Shooting Para Sport (WSPS) equivalent events across the Pistol, Rifle and Shotgun disciplines. The calendar of endorsed events is now available and has been endorsed by the Australian Clay Target Association, Target Pistol Australia and Target Rifle Australia.

2025 Shooting Australia Endorsed Event Calendar


There will be a number of events across each of the disciplines between January and December 2025. These Events will be categorised into two tiers:

Tier 1:            Endorsed Events – Benchmark Event Selection

Endorsed Events delivered by Event Hosts, the results from which may be used towards the selection of an athlete to a National Team for an ISSF or WSPS international competition.

Tier 2:            Endorsed Events – Performance

Additional competitive opportunities, the results from which may contribute to an athlete’s Average Performance Score (APS) as well as providing increased competition opportunities for the purposes of athlete development. These events will not form part of any National Team selection as detailed above for Tier 1 events.


Any able-bodied athlete or para-athlete (who is provisionally classified) who competes in an ISSF or WSPS equivalent discipline can compete in the 2025 Shooting Australia Endorsed Event Series.

Athletes must:

  • be a current financial member of a SA Member Organisation; or
  • be a member of an ISSF or WSPS-recognised National Federation outside of Australia; and
  • hold a current firearms licence; and
  • not be involved in any disciplinary matters (i.e. with SA or its Member Organisations) that restricts their eligibility to compete.


a)     National Team Selection

Some of the events within the 2025 Shooting Australia Endorsed Event Series will be identified as events that will be used for National Team selection. When multiple events are used for the selection of a National Team, these events will be referred to collectively as a Selection Series. In 2025, there will be Selection Series for international competitions including the:

  • 2025 ISSF Junior World Cup (Suhl, Germany)
  • 2025 ISSF Senior World Championships Shotgun (Malakasa, Greece)
  • 2025 ISSF Senior World Championships Pistol/Rifle (Cairo, Egypt)
  • 2025 ISSF Junior World Championships (To be confirmed by ISSF)

Performance in the 2025 Shooting Australia Endorsed Event Series events may also form a component of National Team selection for World Cups, Grands Prix and other international competition opportunities in 2025.

b)     2026 National Squad and Athlete Categorisation

Results achieved within the 2025 Shooting Australia Endorsed Event Series may be considered to support the selection of an athlete to the National Squad and categorisation of an athlete by the Australian Institute of Sport in 2026.

c)     Average Performance Score

The Tier 1 and Tier 2 events that comprise the 2025 Shooting Australia Endorsed Event Series will provide domestic opportunities for athletes to record a performance score that will contribute to their APS.

SA uses the APS to monitor athlete development and progression, and the APS may be used to determine eligibility for selection to the National Squad and/or Teams.

d)     Officials and Volunteers

The 2025 Shooting Australia Endorsed Event Series will provide an opportunity to:

  • Remain active in Officiating at domestic events;
  • Become active in Officiating;
  • Receive mentoring and experience as part of SA’s Officiating Scholarship Program;
  • Become active in mentoring those less experienced; and
  • A pathway to international officiating.

e)     Para Integration

The 2025 Shooting Australia Endorsed Event Series will provide greater opportunity and support for the integration of Para-Shooting in domestic events for athletes, Event Hosts, officials and volunteers.


In the assessment of which events will be Endorsed Events as part of the 2025 Shooting Australia Endorsed Event Series, SA called for Expressions of Interest from prospective Event Hosts to host an Endorsed Event in 2025.

Upon receipt of Expressions of Interest, in a collaborative approach, SA worked with its High Performance Team, Member Organisations and the prospective Event Hosts to determine the 2025 Endorsed Event program. This is a lengthy process with consideration given to:

  • The international event calendars for both ISSF and WSPS;
  • The number of events required in 2025 to provide National Team selection opportunities;
  • An adequate number of competition opportunities for the purposes of developing athletes;
  • A spread of events in most States across Australia to ensure a fair allocation of Endorsed Events nationally;
  • The events that already exist in the annual calendar that SA can endorse, including National Championship events delivered by Member Organisations and State Championship events delivered by State Associations; and
  • Ranges that can facilitate the delivery of competitions to ISSF/WSPS standards and/or that the endorsement of an event can assist the range/facility development to reach these standards.

Further information on the 2025 Shooting Australia Endorsed Event Series can be found in the handbook.

Shooting Australia Endorsed Event Handbook

Any questions on the 2025 Shooting Australia Endorsed Event Series can be directed to Jane Vella, Shooting Australia’s Event and Communication Manager, via jane@shootingaustralia.org or 0407 859 197.

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