Classification Page

Classification for Athletes with a Physical Impairment

Physical Impairment (Sport Classes SH1, SH2, SG-S, SG-L, SG-U)

Physical Impairment classifications are conducted by Shooting Australia, a person wishing to obtain a physical impairment classification must complete the stages listed below. There are 2 Stages in the Australian National Physical Impairment Classification System.

Stage 1 : New Athletes & Athletes Competing at a Club and State Championship Level

New athletes or athletes only competing in club and state championships events are only required to hold a provisional classification. Once an athlete completes the provisional classification pack, it is returned to

Shooting Australia will then issue a provisional classification to the athlete and they are only required to progress to stage 2 of the classifications system if the athlete plans to compete at a Member Organisation National Championship or SA Open event where national classification is made available.

During a period where national classification is not made available in your state, you will still be considered eligible for your sport class until such time as a national classification opportunity is made available to you in your home state.

Stage 2 : Athletes who wish to be recognised for breaking National Championship or SA Open records or classified athletes with a “National Review” status

Athletes who wish to compete at Member Organisation National Championships and SA Open events can still do so under their provisional classification, but if a National Classification opportunity is available at the event provisionally classified athletes need to attend the classification if they want to enter in the event.

If you currently hold a national classification with a “Review” or “Review 2018″ status you must attend a National Classification opportunity in order to compete in National Championships or SA Open.

Athletes can attend a national classification opportunity hosted by nominated Performance Series events or an opportunity that is conducted in conjunction with Member Organisation National Championships or SA Open by registering for an upcoming classification via the link below. Athletes complete the Request for Classification Form and return that to Shooting Australia at least 8 weeks before the event. Additional paperwork will then be required depending on the athletes individual situation.