Successful National Come And Try May Comes To A Close


With National Come And Try May drawing to a close it’s been a very successful month of events for clubs around Australia and there have been some amazing stories coming through from clubs like yours that have hosted events that have had positive outcomes.

We’ve had 120 clubs and over 1000 participants try our sport over the last month during National Come And Try May. When you consider the one on one supervision required in some instances, capacity issues related either to size of facilities or number of club members, it’s an outstanding achievement by all of you in making this happen.

Whether its a large, well resourced metropolitan club like Frankston Clay Target Club who had 183 people attend their day, or smaller rural club’s like Manjimup Rifle Club having 15 people come and try.

While others still like Bairnsdale Gun Club, Newcastle Lake Macquarie Clay Target Club, Yackandanda Pistol Club, and Colac Rifle Club had great turn outs that included local media coverage and in some cases local MP’s and local council members enjoying the the opportunity to try our sport.

Others again like Kojonup Clay Target Club, were successful in turning a small number of participants into a high ratio of new members.

A boon for a club of 12 members who increased it’s membership by 15% on the day.

There have been wonderful stories of successful events and lesson’s learned on how things could be done better in future, from club level all the way up to Shooting Australia.

I’ll be in touch with more information on how you can play a role in helping us improve our planning and processes for next year.

In the meantime please report back to report the number of participants that attended your event if you haven’t already done so.

Clubs interested in registering for next year’s event can do so by clicking this link. For clubs that weren’t involved this year and would like to learn more about what clubs will be asked to do as part of being involved in the event please click here.

Shooting Australia